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中国国际新闻杂志社爱尔兰分社组织国际友人看中国——爱尔兰西海岸企业家帕特·欧迪亚: 先进科技和温馨社区共存于中国



The journey of the past 100 years of the CPC has been a magnificent one, and the Party has been and will always be true to its founding mission.


On 8a.m, 1st July, the unprecedented celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China (CPC) was held at the Tiananmen Square in Beijing, with more than 70,000 delegates from all walks of life attended. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech.


Chen Qiumei, the president of the Europe-China Culture&Art Exchange research association and the president of Chinese and Foreign Family Association, actively organised for the overseas Chinese community and international friends to watch the celebrations online, everyone was invited to express their views on the event. More than 20 friends from various countries were interviewed, mainly from the Chinese and Foreign Family Association.


The members were overwhelmed by strong emotions, full of excitement and pride. Overseas Chinese are linked to the motherland by blood and are keen to follow its development. Many international friends were also impressed and expressed their heartfelt feelings about the speech.


爱尔兰西海岸企业家Pat O'Dea: 先进科技和温馨社区共存于中国

West Coast Irish Entrepreneur Pat O'Dea: China has both advanced technology and warm communities

你好,我是Pat O'Dea,我来自爱尔兰的西海岸,在这里我遇到了我美丽的妻子,英。几年前,我很幸运的跟她一起回到了中国和她的家人们见面。

Hello, my name is Pat O'Dea. I come from the west coast of Ireland, where I met my beautiful wife Ying. I was lucky enough a number of years ago to be brought back home to meet her family in China.


We landed in Beijing, a truly amazing city. We managed to visit the Forbidden City, Great Wall, and many other attractions. It was amazing to see how such a huge city to be ran so efficiently with all the buses and taxis running on the new green energy in battery power. We then went to visit Xi'an, where we got to see the historical remains of the Terracotta Army, it is truly amazing to witness how amazing and advanced China was, hundred and hundred years ago. It is wonderful to see the reemergence of China, where it is now at the cutting edge of technology and science, and not alone on earth but also in space. It was wonderful to see the launch of their new space station, where they successfully put a space station in orbit and three Chinese astronauts are now working hard to make that function.


I think the best part of my trip to China was to be lucky enough to meet Ying's family. It was truly wonderful to be welcomed into such a warm family community. As we wandered around Da Lian, Ying's home it was obvious how happy people were, it was amazing for me to see people randomly dancing in the street, exercising. Again, reshowing how family and community are so so important.


I would just like to wish China and Chinese people all the best for the future. And hopefully, when all this coronavirus is over, we will get a chance to come back home again and spend more time there. Thank you very much.

中国国际新闻杂志社爱尔兰分社组织国际友人看中国——爱尔兰西海岸企业家帕特·欧迪亚: 先进科技和温馨社区共存于中国

爱尔兰绿野国际有限公司创始人兼董事长 Pat O'Dea 及其妻子

Pat O'Dea, Founder & Director of Green Field International Ltd., and his wife

中国国际新闻杂志社爱尔兰分社组织国际友人看中国——爱尔兰西海岸企业家帕特·欧迪亚: 先进科技和温馨社区共存于中国

欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会会长陈秋梅和荣誉会长Jimmy MacCarthy

欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会和中外国际家庭联谊会是在爱尔兰政府正式注册的中立性公益机构,旨在为欧洲和中国之间文化艺术交流搭建一座多维度多元化的桥梁。由欧洲著名音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy和爱尔兰华侨陈秋梅Annie(夫妇)创建,由欧洲和中国的一些文化名人,知名艺术家及相关文化艺术单位组成。欧洲中国文化艺术研究会总部在爱尔兰,欧洲和中国多地均设有分部。

Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association and Chinese and Foreign family association are neutral public welfare organizations officially registered with the Irish government. The aim is to build a multi-dimensional and diversified bridge for cultural and artistic exchanges between Europe and China. The organisations were founded by the famous European musician Jimmy MacCarthy and overseas Chinese Chen Qiumei (couple), and include a number of European and Chinese cultural figures, renowned artists and related cultural and artistic institutions. The organisitions are based in Ireland, with branches in Europe and China.

中国国际新闻杂志社爱尔兰分社组织国际友人看中国——爱尔兰西海岸企业家帕特·欧迪亚: 先进科技和温馨社区共存于中国




